
What is salesforce slack
What is salesforce slack

what is salesforce slack

To get anything useful out of it requires an expensive Services and Support contract, consultants and certifications. They sell a powerful and complex platform. Salesforce does not sell an easy to use, out of the box product. Instead of doing some soul searching and asking why acquisitions keep fizzling out, it is easier to blame remote work. Perhaps Salesforce noticed this pattern as you may have noticed that Salesforce also disbanded their Merger and Acquisitions committee. Anybody who has lived through product mergers knows how difficult this can be. Salesforce, trying to salvage what they can, begins to roll their acquisitions "into Core" by attempting to install new GMs, holding on to key players and merging the products. A few years after an acquisition, the founders have made their money and get the itch to move on, realizing there is a misalignment of culture and technology. Initially, the acquisition is left to run autonomously which is great until the inevitable. They have a lot of money to spend, like to stay in the news but struggle to execute when it comes to effectively integrating their shiny new toys. I once had a manager tell me that Salesforce sucked at acquiring companies. As a Salesforce acquisition alumnus, I was a firsthand witness to the unfortunate fate of their acquisitions. It is not uncommon for Salesforce's culture to clash with that of its acquired companies. Slack's culture, embrace and advocacy of remote work is now at odds with its parent company who is pushing for a return to the office. Salesforce is shutting down Slack's Future Forum which was dedicated to remote and flexible work.

What is salesforce slack